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Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) is the number of students the university would have if all students were attending full-time. It is calculated on course level student credit hours.

FTE for undergraduate students takes the total undergraduate student credit hours and divides it by 15 credit hours.

FTE Undergraduate by Credit Hour Type - Census
   SELECT b.term_desc,
          SUM(a.attempted_credits) as attmp_cred,
          ROUND(SUM(a.attempted_credits)/15, 2) as attmp_cred_fte,
     FROM export.student_section_version a
LEFT JOIN export.term b
       ON a.term_id = b.term_id
    WHERE a.is_enrolled = TRUE
      AND a.version_desc = 'Census' --Version description of snapshot status
      AND a.course_level_id = 'UG'
      AND DATE_PART('year', NOW()) - b.academic_year_code :: INT <= 5
 GROUP BY a.course_level_id, b.season, b.term_desc, a.version_desc;

FTE for graduate students takes the total graduate student credit hours and divides it by 10 credit hours.

FTE Graduate by Credit Hour Type - Census

SELECT b.term_desc,
          SUM(a.attempted_credits) as attmp_cred,
          ROUND(SUM(a.attempted_credits)/10, 2) as attmp_cred_fte,
     FROM export.student_section_version a
LEFT JOIN export.term b
       ON a.term_id = b.term_id
    WHERE a.is_enrolled = TRUE
      AND a.version_desc = 'Census'
      AND a.course_level_id = 'GR'
      AND DATE_PART('year', NOW()) - b.academic_year_code :: INT <= 5
GROUP BY a.course_level_id, b.season, b.term_desc, a.version_desc;

FTE is reported to USHE five times per fiscal year:

  • Summer End of Term
  • Fall 3rd Week Census
  • Fall End of Term
  • Spring 3rd Week Census
  • Spring End of Term

USHE summarizes FTE by credit hour type, residency, gender, and budget.

IPEDS calculates FTE in the 12 Month Enrollment survey based on a reporting calendar from July 1, 20XX - June 20YY. Utah Tech excludes Summer academic terms and reports Spring and Fall term census data.